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As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we appreciate any help we can get! Whether you are looking for individual or group volunteering opportunities, in person or virtually, there are plenty of ways for you to support HWF’s operations. Our 200+ volunteers include a significant number of young people and individuals from all backgrounds, races, religions and cultures.


Read the Stories of HWF to meet some of our volunteers and learn about the important work they do.

We are always on the look out for handy men and women, movers, drivers, computer buffs, bike fixers, as well as people with good organizational skills, knowledge in finance and accounting, and great communication skills.

If you want to make a difference in your community, get in touch now by filling the form below! One of us will contact you as soon as we receive your application.

Please note we currently have no volunteer opportunities until the end of March

Join our Team!

Please complete the form below to let us know you are interested!

For a description of each volunteer area, please click here

Everyone is welcome! Please note that youth volunteers aged less than 13 years must be accompanied by an adult.

We’d love to keep in touch!

Subscribe to our mailing list to know what we’re up to and how you can continue to help. Simply input your name and e-mail address in the fields below.

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